Creative handwriting at Cedar Farm Gallery

The latest edition to our Gallery Workshop lineup is Modern Calligraphy. Being a big fan of the writing style for a long time, I was very excited to see such a resurgence on Instagram and Pinterest. Calligraphy has appeared everywhere, not just in writing books, but on chalk boards, wedding stationery, even on restaurant walls! 

After searching for local calligraphers, artists and illustrators able to run a class in this modern style I was coming up empty handed, and so was delighted to come across the brilliant workshops of Mellor and Rose. Trained Graphic designers, their workshops are jam packed with lettering and design ideas from Beginners Modern Calligraphy, brush pen lettering and even chalk board writing.
They're a family outfit, like us, and they're based in Lancashire. The perfect team!

We've had 2 workshops in Beginners Modern Calligraphy, with 3 more and a brush lettering class booking up fast. 

If you'd like us to keep you informed of our workshops when they are announced just fill in a a contact form below.

An Evening in Acrylic


We’ve had so may events and happenings in The Gallery this year that we thought we just had to put them down pen to paper (so to say!) else we’d miss something. 

Early in the year we arranged for Wigan based artist, Anthony Barrow to give a demonstration on painting with Acrylics. 

During the evening he painted two pictures, one landscape, one portrait; displaying all the different effects you can achieve with this newer painting medium. 

As suppliers of art materials for almost 30 years, we’ve seen this water- based medium become more popular in recent years and has certainly surpassed the once leading Oil paint. Painters are favouring the quick drying and versitile aspects of Acrylic. 



Anthony walked us through using various mediums, which is a fantastic plus for Acrylic painting- there are so many mediums and effects available. 

You’ve got your fairly standard mediums to allow quick or slow drying, thinners, as well as a variety of more exciting textured effects, such as lava and sand texture gel, iridescent medium and glosses.

Used correctly, some mediums can help maintain the stability and vibrancy of your colours over time.


To see our selection of Acrylic paint and mediums, and to find out about future demonstrations.
